The South African weather Services over the weekend predicted that there will be heavy rains in different provinces including Mpumalanga. The rain has started raining heavily which was evident by the Witbank dam level rising to full capacity.
The municipality has activated flood management and dam level control measures by opening sluice gates to allow excess surface water released into the river. These flash floods have resulted in the storm water catchment system choking due to excessive surface runoff water and causing roads and street inaccessible.
The consistent rainfall has also resulted in rising water levels, leading to widespread erosion in various areas in the municipality. Residents are advised to take the necessary precautions on the road to ensure their safety by avoiding flooded areas and please do not attempt to walk or drive through flooded streets.
Further both private and public facilities and properties are flooded.
In an event you encounter rising water on your way turn around and seek an alternate route. Most areas are affected and communities, motorists are request to exercise caution while driving on municipal roads. The traffic signals are also affected, which result in traffic jam due to heavy rainfall which may lead to flooding and resulting in overflowing of low-lying bridges.
The municipality advices members of the community to be on high alert during this rainfall season.
Please take note of the following Floods Safety tips:
Do’s and Don’ts
• Never walk through moving/ running water;
• Try by all means to stay away from flooded areas, even if the water is stagnant;
• Do not drive through flooded stream
• When floodwater rise around your car, move your car to higher ground if you can do so safely;
• Protect children, do not allow children to play in our flooded water.
For further updates, follow our official website and our Facebook page or contact our Call Centre at 013 690 6222/333/444.
Your safety is our priority and concern.