Cllr. Linah Masellane Malatjie
Cllr. Linah Masellane MalatjieExecutive Mayor of Emalahleni Local Municipality
  1. To the class of 2021 Gr 12 leaners I wish to convey warm greetings to all of you.
  1. My message this year is to remind you that, you are not only beautifully made in the image of God, you are also ABLE and therefore YOU CAN!
  1. You can make it with flying colours if only you can believe in yourself because if you don’t, who else should believe in you.
  1. The JET FUEL you need to succeed in your matric exams will not come from any supper man but from within you, the burning desire to succeed is embedded in the dream you have of becoming a significant somebody one day, one day! Let us all say “one day” one more time “one day!”
  1. The journey to this “one day” is not starting today but to most of you it started around 2009, 12 years ago when you first set your foot in grade 1 you had a dream, oh yes! TRUE dreams do come
  1. Steven Covey one of the world class motivational authors on leadership says always begin with “an end in mind” in your marathon to success.
  1. This “end” is your intrinsic desire to become an engineer, a medical doctor, a chartered accountant, an effective teacher, a lawyer, qualified artisan with a trade test, a CEO of a multi-national company, or an ethical leader of a society one day! Let’s get set, ready and go because YOU CAN run this marathon to the end.
  1. As you do your final preparations for the exams, remember these inspirational words of wisdom from the late first President of the Democratic RSA when he said open quote” Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is through education that a daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine and that a child of a farm worker can become the President of this great nation “close quote.
  1. Your parents and your teachers form an important support structure, you need to stand on their shoulders so that you can see the “end”, see “far” where others cannot see because you will be standing on the shoulders of the giants, namely your parents and teachers, because of them I am sure you can see “clearly now” this one day!
  1. At this point we also wish to acknowledge that the 2021 matric class went through a unique set of challenges imposed by Covid-19 pandemic which aggravated the already adverse socio- economic conditions in many of our families.
  1. To deal with these unique set of challenges the majority of you has displayed a unique resilient character with a never say die attitude because you have an “end” in mind.
  1. I wish to conclude my message of encouragement to the boys and girls of 2021 matric class with a special mathematical social equation which must always be engraved in your hearts and minds wherever you are.
Remember this!
“Today minus you equals zero future”
  1. Indeed without you Emalahleni Local Municipality in particular and the country in general has no future.
  1. This municipality needs you, this country needs you, and the ball is in your court.
  1. It’s not what this country can do for you but what you can do for this country one day! One day!
  1. We wish you well as you will be proceeding to various institutions of higher learning in order to move a step closer to your dream, because you are able, and can you please begin with an “end in mind”.
  1. Continue to adhere to Covid-19 safety protocol, stay blessed, we love you all.
I thank you

Cllr. Linah Malatjie
The Executive Mayor of
Emalahlani Local Municipality
Read 3846 times Last modified on 06 Jan 2022
Communications Unit

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