Emalahleni Local Municipality (ELM) is an authorised Water Service Provider (WSP) and a Water Service Authority (WSA) under the area of its jurisdiction. The municipality needs the community to play a role in ensuring that water is conserved and used sparingly to protect this precious scarce resource. It has been observed by the municipality that the community queries on water accounts are most associated with the total amount of the bill, hence the need to inform customers on the component contained on the municipal Utility bill. Customers assume that when they are buying prepaid electricity, they also are paying the municipality for water of which is it not the case.
If you own a house or property and have access to electricity, water, and waste removal services, you should receive a monthly bill from the local municipality for these various services, as well as the taxes you pay on your property. Emalahleni Local municipality has the obligation to inform and make aware the public about the payment of services they receive. Municipal utility bills mean bills for services provided by a utility which is wholly owned and operated by a municipality or municipal authority. The term shall include, but not be limited to, water, sewer and solid waste disposal utility bills. Below are main critical descriptions of bill components which the public/communities should understand and be informed on:
  • Property tax: This is a tax charged to property owners by the municipality in terms of the Municipality Property Rates policy.
  • Closing balance: The previous balance on your account that has been carried over from the previous statement to the current statement.
  • Electricity consumption: This is the charge for electricity consumption for the month per readings taken from your meter. Estimated consumption is also used to bill this amount where no readings can be obtained. If you are on Pre-Paid this line item will not show on your bill.
  • Water consumption: This is your water consumption for the month in accordance with readings taken from your meter. Estimated consumption is also used to bill this item where no readings can be obtained.
  • Sewerage: The municipality charges you for safe disposal of human waste, waste from your washing, cooking etc. that goes into the municipal sewer network.
  • Refuse: A charge for the collection and disposal of solid waste material.
The community is urged to inquire about their municipal bill statement of account at the municipal offices for better understanding of what they are paying for. The communities and consumers are urged to refrain from interfering with municipal infrastructure as it has been observed that this contributes to water supply challenges and shortages.  Emalahleni Local Municipality subscribed to Batho Pele Principles to better life for all citizens by putting people first.
Communications Unit

The communication is a strategic function. The unit deals with Internal & External Communication, Conducting imbizo Programmes, Media and stakeholder liaison, media production, marketing and branding. The municipality has adopted the communication strategy, which entails the channels and tools of communicating to the stakeholders. These channels and tools are amongst other municipal website, municipal face-book, local print and electronic media.


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