Home ownership

Tenure status in Emalahleni

The above graph shows that most people in eMalahleni have fully paid up and own the houses, followed renting tenants. Between 2011 and 2016 these figures of owned and fully paid off houses have increased, while renting tenants are going down. This is an indication that people prefer ownership than merely renting. The serviced sites/land will assist the community to be the owners.

Figure 9: Tenant status in Emalahleni, 2016 Source: StatsSA, Community Services, 2016

Type of dwelling

For the purpose of accommodation, the municipality has different types of dwellings ranging from brick/concrete, traditional, flat, cluster, townhouses, informal and caravan. The most available type of structure in the municipality is brick/concrete and the least type is caravan/tent.


Figure 10: Access to flush chemicals Statistics South Africa: CS 2016