The Economic Development and Tourism Unit coordinates all key LED stakeholders and role players to unlock economic opportunities and encourages private sector driven investment with the aim to create decent employment opportunities for local residents. The stakeholder’s engagement platform is encouraged through the Local Economic Development forum where ideas on socio-economic development are shared. The purpose of Local Economic Development (LED) is to build up the economic capacity of a local area to improve its economic future and the quality of life for all. It is a process by which public, business and non-governmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth, employment generation and advocating for poverty alleviation. As part of job creation the municipality has identify anchor projects such Mining and Metals Technology Park, resuscitation of township economies, support to SMMEs and Co-operatives, convention centre, Industrial park; establishing of a fly ash beneficiation; upgrade of Witbank recreational resort; revitalisation of Highveld steel to an industrial park; establishment of mining museum; establishment of mini fresh produce market.
The practice of Local Economic Development can be undertaken at different geographic scales. A local government pursues LED strategies for the benefit of its jurisdiction, and individual communities and areas within a local government's jurisdiction can also pursue LED strategies to improve their economic competitiveness. Such approaches are most successful if pursued in partnership with local government strategies. LED is about communities, continually improving their investment climate and business enabling environment to enhance their competitiveness, retain jobs and improve incomes.