In terms of Disaster Management Act, 2002: Amendment of Regulations 11 c(1) issued on 01 April 2020 the following guidelines must be followed by the Public Transport:

"(1) All commuter transport services including passenger bus services, taxi services, e-hailing services, are prohibited, except bus services, taxi services, e-hailing services and private motor vehicles necessary for purposes of rendering essential services, obtaining essential goods or services, seeking medical attention, funeral services and for collecting payment of grants and pensions: Provided that-
a) bus services and e-hailing services shall not carry more than 50% of the licenced capacity;
b) taxi services shall not carry more than 70% of the licenced capacity; and
c)private vehicles shall not carry more than 60% of the licenced capacity, and that all directions in respect of hygienic conditions and the limitation of exposure of persons to COVID-19, are adhered to."

In the previous communication with the Taxi Association, the following minimum preventative measures were agreed upon:

• Establishment of hand washing stations;
• Provision of sanitizers within all vehicles;
• Assign dedicated personnel to open and close door long distance trips;
• Provision of PPE to those collecting payment from passengers;
• Complete a register for long distance trips; and
• Delegate queue marshals to manage social distance amongst passengers standing at the queues.

These preventative measures will be effective as of 01 April 2020 to 16 April 2020 or until such time a new declaration is announced by the President of the Republic of South Africa.

For any enquiries, kindly contact
Mr. L Mofokeng
013 690 6588
079 515 5833

Together we can beat COVID-19.

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