Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 16 (1)(a) (4) of the Local Government Municipal System Act, No 32 of 2000 (as amended) and Section 22 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, No. 56 of 2003 that Council on its sitting held on Thursday 26 March 2020 at 14:00 in the Municipal Banquet Hall adopted the Draft IDP, Budget and Budget related policies for 2020/2021 financial year. Approval was given on the following with effect from 1 July 2020:
This notice is published in terms of Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, read in conjunction with Section 129(3) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003. Emalahleni Local Municipality hereby invites members of the public, communities, Government Institutions, private sector and civil society organisations to take note of the Oversight Report: 2018/19 which was considered in the Council Sitting held on 26 March 2020.This report is accesable on the municipal website at .
The municipality has received a letter dated 30 March 2020 from the Department of Water and Sanitation about an unavoidable maintenance and repair of a pipe leak at the Jericho water pump station.
The planned outage is for twenty four hours from 01 April 2020 at 07:00am to 02 April 2020 at 07:00am.
According to DWS this repair work could not be postponed to a later date due to the fact that is has been postponed too many times already hence the need to finalize the work.
As a contingent arrangement the municipality will ensure adequate available water in the reservoirs, engage nearby mining companies for water collection should it be required by
tankers and additional tankers will be sourced into the affected areas . Further that the operational hours at the GaNala water treatment works will be extended to make make available surplus water.
The municipality is concerned about this possible water supply interruption at the peak of COVID-19 but as indicated by the Department (DWS) that it is unavoidable.
We therefore urge communities to use water sparingly and all water outlets(taps) should be closed during the said period.
Issued by Emalahleni Local Municipality Communications Unit