NOTICE: Draft Business Trading Control and Prevention of Public Nuisances By-Laws

The Council of Emalahleni Local Municipality acting in terms of section 156(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 13(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) hereby publishes the Revised draft By-laws set forth hereunder for public comment:
  • Emalahleni Local Municipality Draft Business Trading Control By-laws – for the regulation and control of business trading within Emalahleni Local Municipality jurisdiction.
  • Emalahleni Local Municipality Draft By-laws on the Prevention of Public Nuisances – for regulation and control of public nuisance.
How do I obtain copies of the draft By-laws?
Copies of the abovementioned Draft By-laws are available online and on the following media platforms:
How do I get hard copies of the By-laws and where do I address any questions in relation to the public participation process?
The hard copies of the draft by-laws can be obtained at the Municipal offices, please contact Mr E.J Nkabinde @ 013 690 6350 for any clarity.
Will there be public participation meetings to present the By-laws?
The dates for Public Participation shall be published, however, presentations on the Draft by-laws shall also be done virtually on Microsoft Teams or Zoom according to the following schedule:
  • Presentation of the Draft By-laws on the Prevention of Public Nuisances – Date: 08/11/22
  • Presentation of the Draft Business Trading Control By-laws – Date: 08/11/22
Radio slots shall be arranged with the following local radio stations:
  • Emalahleni FM
How do I register to take part on the virtual presentation session?
To register for the virtual presentation sessions, interested persons shall be required to send an email to Mr Mahlaule L ( or send WhatsApp to 0721869626
How do I submit my comments?
Comments on the Draft By-laws shall be addressed and submitted as follows:
The Municipal Manager
Emalahleni Local Municipality
P.O. Box 3
Please note that the due date for public comments shall be: 15/11/2022, 16:30