Emalahleni Local Municipality invites prospective bidders to submit detailed proposals for supply and delivery of an integrated financial system with support and maintenance for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
The municipality is looking for well experienced bidder who can demonstrate the understanding of financial management systems which is designed with effective and efficient interrelationships between software, hardware, personnel, procedures, controls, and data contained within the systems.
The financial management systems must have, as a minimum, the following four characteristics:
(1) Standard data classifications (definition and formats) established and used for recording and reporting financial events;
(2) Common processes used for processing similar kinds of transactions;
(3) Internal controls over data entry, transaction processing, and reporting applied consistently; and
(4) A design that eliminates unnecessary duplication of transaction entry.
Financial Management Systems required by Emalahleni Local Municipality should establish and maintain a single, integrated and interactive functionalities which will ensure timely and accurate financial data, increase quality policy and decisions making and provide accurate or timely information.
The bidder should have proven capabilities to perform the required services with distinction, no chancers will be accepted.
The ideal service provider will be the one who can offer high quality of service, and has extensive and proven track record of similar projects successfully implemented and maintained. The costs of such system should be moderate and no quality should be compromised, standards compatibility should be maintained, ease of modification and upgrading should be of high importance.
The proposal should meet the following criteria
Improve data quality and credibility
Analysis of sector comparison
Uniform recording of transactions
Uniform data sets
Standardise key business processes
Standardisation and alignment of government accountability cycle Standardisation of account classification
The required system should comply with municipal Standard Charts of Accounts.

Bid documents are available on www.emalahleni.gov.za and www.etenders.gov.za for downloading.
Closing date: 24 July 2020 at 11:00
A compulsory briefing will not be conducted for this tender in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus through interactions. Bidders may send electronic mails for any enquiries related to this bid.
Bids are to be deposited in the tender box at the Civic Centre before / by the closing date where after they will be opened in public. No late or faxed bids will be considered.
Only Service Providers who are registered on the Central Suppliers Database will be considered.
For technical enquiries please contact the following officials:
a) Information Technology: Ms MKM Kubyana on 013 690 6271/ 082 699 0889 kubyanamkm@emalahleni.gov.za
b) Human Resources: Ms B Khoza on 013 690 6537/ 082 852 9420 or khozabm@emalahleni.gov.za
c) Budget and related modules: Mr. S Mahlangu on 083 380 3975 mahlangus@emalahleni.gov.za
d) Revenue: Mr T Mokoneni on 013 690 6280 or 072 631 2505 or mokonenita@emalahleni.gov.za
e) Expenditure: Ms F Khoza on 013 690 6545 or082 443 2591 or khozafe@emalahleni.gov.za
f) Supply Chain Management: Mr S Ndlovu on 013 690 6505 or 082 782 7412 or ndlovusp@emalahleni.gov.z
g) Environmental and Waste Management: Ms T Mashiloane 013 690 6451 or environmental@emalahleni.gov.za
h) Development Planning: Ms N Mbanga 013 690 6448 or developmentplanning@emalahleni.gov.za
i) Technical Services : Ms G Modjadji 013 690 6300 Mahlabatp@emalahleni.gov.za
b) Human Resources: Ms B Khoza on 013 690 6537/ 082 852 9420 or khozabm@emalahleni.gov.za
c) Budget and related modules: Mr. S Mahlangu on 083 380 3975 mahlangus@emalahleni.gov.za
d) Revenue: Mr T Mokoneni on 013 690 6280 or 072 631 2505 or mokonenita@emalahleni.gov.za
e) Expenditure: Ms F Khoza on 013 690 6545 or082 443 2591 or khozafe@emalahleni.gov.za
f) Supply Chain Management: Mr S Ndlovu on 013 690 6505 or 082 782 7412 or ndlovusp@emalahleni.gov.z
g) Environmental and Waste Management: Ms T Mashiloane 013 690 6451 or environmental@emalahleni.gov.za
h) Development Planning: Ms N Mbanga 013 690 6448 or developmentplanning@emalahleni.gov.za
i) Technical Services : Ms G Modjadji 013 690 6300 Mahlabatp@emalahleni.gov.za
j) Community Services : Ms T Tshabalala 013 690 6360 or communityservices@emalahleni.gov.za during working hours or e-mails can be sent to
_For Supply Chain Management Office : (013)690 6483/6497/6484
_Working hours: Monday to Thursday 07:30 – 16:30 and Friday 07:30-13:30
Emalahleni Local Municipality request all prospective bidders to submit two (2) copies of the tender documents. One copy should be in an electronic format (disk) the other copy should be printed. Both copies should be in one envelope.
This request comes as a preventative measure to reduce risks associated with Covid-19 pandemic.
For technical enquiries please contact the following officials
Working hours: Monday to Thursday 07:30 – 16:30 and Friday 07:30-13:30

MS. MKM KUBYANAInformation Technologykubyanamkm@emalahleni.gov.za
013-690 6271 / 082 699 0889

MS. BM KHOZAHuman Resourceskhozabm@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6537 / 082 852 9420

MS. S MAHLANGUBudget related modulesmahlangus@emalahleni.gov.za
083 380 3975

MR. T MOKONENIRevenuemokonenita@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6280 or 072 631 2505

MS. F KHOZAExpenditurekhozafe@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6545 / 082 443 2591

MR. S NDLOVUSupply Chainndlovusp@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6505 or 082 782 7412

MS. T MASHILOANEEnvironmental and Wasteenvironmental@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6451

MS. N MBANGADevelopment Planningdevelopmentplanning@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6448

MS G MODJADJITechnical Servicesmahlabatp@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 6300

MS. T TSHABALALACommunity Servicescommunityservices@emalahleni.gov.za
013 690 66483/6497/6484

SUPPLY CHAINSupply Chain Management
(013)690 6483/6497/6484