Electricity supply interruptions in KwaGuqa New Extensions

Electricity supply interruptions in KwaGuqa New Extensions.
The electricity supply to the Kwa Guqa New Extensions is suppled from the main intake substation of 132 kV KwaGuqa substation by means of two main transformers.
On 17 June 2020 it was reported that there is no electrical supply to certain areas in Kwa Guqa New Extensions and the municipal team was despatched to investigate the cause of the problem.
On investigation it was observed that one of the transformers had failed on internal fault which needs further investigation.
Oil samples were taken to the laboratory to check and establish the cause of failure.

Preliminary results had been obtained and shows that the transformer has an internal fault requiring further tests to be done.
The transformer specialist service provider will be called tomorrow to undertake further tests and at the same time the search is on for another transformer.
With plummeting weather conditions and high electrical demand, the municipality is compelled to implement load shedding.
The communities are urged to continue using electricity safely and sparingly and treat all electrical points as life during outages.

Developments on repair work will be communicated in due course.

Issued by:
Communication Unit
Emalahleni Local Municipality

Read 3381 times Last modified on 18 Jun 2020
Communications Unit

The communication is a strategic function. The unit deals with Internal & External Communication, Conducting imbizo Programmes, Media and stakeholder liaison, media production, marketing and branding. The municipality has adopted the communication strategy, which entails the channels and tools of communicating to the stakeholders. These channels and tools are amongst other municipal website, municipal face-book, local print and electronic media.