The Emalahleni Local Municipality, Council Resolution A. 085/20, hereby gives notice in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000, (Act No. 32 of 2000), read in conjunction with Section 20 (3) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013) commonly known as SPLUMA, as well as the Emalahleni Municipal By-Law on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management 2016, that the Municipality is in the process of reviewing its Spatial Development Framework (SDF), which is a core component of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). In keeping with the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000, the general public and all interested and affected parties are hereby invited to participate in the process of drafting the Spatial Development Framework. The purpose of the SDF is to set out objectives that reflect the desired spatial form of the municipality and contains strategies and policies regarding the manner in which to achieve the objectives. A copy of the draft SDF and accompanying documents will be open for inspection and comments by all interested and affected parties at Emalahleni Local Municipal offices during working days between 8h00 and 16h30. All written comments and details should be submitted to the Municipal Manager, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Civic Centre, Cnr Mandela & Arras Streets, eMalahleni, 1035, for the attention of Mrs. Mpho Makgalemele. Comments should be provided within 60 days from the first day of publication of this notice. Contact No: 013 690 6720. E-mail: Physical Address: Civic Centre, Cnr Mandela & Arras Streets, eMalahleni, 1035.
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Emalahleni SDF Review 05 Feb 2020 DOCUMENT