Public comments on Draft By-laws on Business Trading Control and on the Prevention of Public Nuisances

The Council of Emalahleni Local Municipality acting in terms of section 156(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 13(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) hereby publishes the draft By-laws set forth hereunder for public comment:
  • Emalahleni Local Municipality Draft Business Trading Control By-laws – for the regulation and control of business trading within Emalahleni Local Municipality jurisdiction.
  • Emalahleni Local Municipality Draft By-laws on the Prevention of Public Nuisances – for regulation and control of public nuisance.
On behalf of the Council of Emalahleni Local Municipality all interested parties are therefore invited to submit comments on the draft By-laws before or on 31 September 2020. Further, an invitation is extended to all parties to participate in the virtual sessions and live broadcasts where the By-laws will be presented to the public.

Read 1728 times Last modified on 15 Sep 2020
Communications Unit

The communication is a strategic function. The unit deals with Internal & External Communication, Conducting imbizo Programmes, Media and stakeholder liaison, media production, marketing and branding. The municipality has adopted the communication strategy, which entails the channels and tools of communicating to the stakeholders. These channels and tools are amongst other municipal website, municipal face-book, local print and electronic media.


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