<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>EMALAHLENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY - Public Participation on Vehicle Emission Testing Strategy (VETS)

Public Participation on Vehicle Emission Testing Strategy (VETS)

The Council of Emalahleni Local Municipality acting in terms of section 156(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 13(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) hereby publishes the draft Vehicle Emission Testing Strategy (VETS) set forth hereunder for public comment:

Please note that the due date for public comments shall be 28 February 2021

How to obtain copies of the draft Vehicle Emission Testing Strategy?
Copies of the abovementioned Draft strategy are available online and on the following media platforms:
  • Emalahleni Local Municipality website address: emalahleni.gov.za.
  • Electronic copies, by sending an email to the following email address: nkabindeej@emalahleni.gov.za , or mahlaulel@emalahleni.gov.za
NB: Due to Covid 19 pandemic no public participation meetings shall be held for presentation of the strategy, neither shall the distribution of hard copies be done, however, requests for electronic copies can be directed to nkabindeej@emalahleni.gov.za , or mahlaulel@emalahleni.gov.za
Radio slots for presentation of the strategy shall also be arranged with Emalahleni FM (Date for live stream presentation shall be broadcasted by the radio station)
How do I register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP)
To register as an I&AP, please complete a form which is attached in the Emalahleni Local Municipality website address, alternatively send a written representation/ comments to the postal address or emails given below:
The Municipal Manager
Emalahleni Local Municipality
P.O. Box 3
Emails: maiselahs@emalahleni.gov.za, mahlaulel@emalahleni.gov.za

Please note that the due date for public comments shall be 28 February 2021  

Fill in the form below and submit your comment.

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Read 1731 times Last modified on 16 Feb 2021