Strive to implement the National Waste Management strategy and the ELM Integrated Waste Management Plan in their full contexts especially with respect to the following areas:
- Establishment of solid waste transfer facilities, drop-off centres and recycling centres in all municipal service centres.
- Embark on an intensive education and awareness programmes that will ensure a paradigm shift from current waste management practices to an acceptable culture of waste handling and protection of the environment,. Key to the awareness programmes will be to encourage the waste handling principles of reduce, reuse and recycle or even redirect.
- Introducing waste to energy innovative projects that will ensure the reduction of waste that lands in our landfill sites thus reducing the life-span of the landfill sites.
Public open spaces, cemeteries and parks are the face of the municipality and have the potential to not only attract economic investment but also ensuring social well-being of the inhabitants of ELM. It is my wish therefore to strive for the development of more well equipped municipal parks especially in the low income areas, continue vigorously to clean and maintain public open spaces and establish convenient places of burial which are safe and closer to communities.
Waste Management Office: 013 690 6555
Parks: Israel Skhosana, Conty Mabogoane: 013 692 4021/2