In line with Government Gazette No. 43107 issued on the 18 March 2020 as per the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002; notice is hereby given on prohibitions and limitations imposed on premises selling liquor, that:
- All on-consumption premises selling liquor including taverns, restaurants, shisanyama and clubs must be closed with immediate effect or must not have more than 50 persons at any given time. Such premises are required to have adequate space available to limit social contact and to meet the required hygienic conditions in order to limit exposure to persons with COVID-19.
- All premises selling liquor which provide accommodation must implement measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. Such premises are required to have adequate space available to limit social contact and to meet the required hygienic conditions in order to limit exposure to persons with COVID-19.
- No special or event s liquor licenses will be considered for approval.
- All on-consumption and off-consumption premises selling liquor must adhere to the following trading hours:
- Between 09:00am to 18:00pm on week days and Saturdays;
- Between 09:00am to 13:00pm on Sundays and public holidays.
These limitations and prohibitions are effective as of 19 March 2020 to 14 April 2020 or until such time a new declaration is announced by the President of the Republic of South Africa.
The limitations and prohibitions are made in the interest of managing the impact of COVID-19 and keeping our communities safe from unintended spread of the Coronavirus.
It must be noted that any person who fails to comply with the Act and its Regulations will be liable to a fine or imprisonment.
This notice supersedes any permission or liquor licenses granted prior to the date of this notice.
For any enquiries, kindly contact Mr L Mofokeng on 013 690 6222/333/444 or or Emalahleni Local Municipality Facebook page (@emalahleniLocalMunicipality)